Monday, August 20, 2007
by River of Karma
I’m a little happy. I’m now one of the boys and girls in the PPP Club. Okay okay, I admit it. I joined the bandwagon.
I have, and always have, believed that it’s more important to be self sufficient in certain areas of you life. Yeah this is rather pernicious of me to say, but you know, with fuel prices ever on the increase, which as a result everything else going up, you need to find a way to sustain.
And it wasn’t until I heard of payperpost through another my partner from my other blog that I thought it was possible to use your blog as means of alternative income. All you do is write blog ads for companies wishing to advertise their products and PPP pays you for it.
That’s E-Commerce for you.
My partner, in her own words, quite happy with the opportunities afforded to her now. All through PPP. So she’s self sustained. As she, and me, keep growing with our respective blogs, so will PPP grow along with us.
That’s, I suppose what I like about this. In this ever competitive and expensive world, it’s nice to have someone who can help. After all, smart is he who can find a way to make his working paycheck his last source of joy.
So if you haven’t moved into PPP, I would suggest you look at them. I mean, it helps doesn’t it.