BLOGGERS Unite - Prayers-Meditation for people of Burma
Tuesday, October 2, 2007 by River of Karma

I originally planned to use today post to explain the third part of my dark chakra series. However, in light of worldly events, I have decided to delay that for just a bit.
In the last 1 or so week, Buddhist monks in
When a group of people as peace loving, reserved and generally quiet as Buddhist monks take to the streets in protest of anything, then you know its right.
1) Pray in accordance to your religion or,
2) Chant in accordance to your religion or,
3) Meditate or,
4) If you don’t believe in God, close your eyes and send good vibes.
for 15 minutes at 9.30 pm/ 2130hours this Thursday 4th of October.
1430 hours GMT
1030 hours New York
1430 hours New Zealand
0830 hours Chicago
0630 hours Los Angeles
2030 hours Bangkok
2130 hours Kuala Lumpur/Singapore/Hong Kong
0930 hours
2230 hours
There’s power in intent. More so if many people at once. To show your support, just leave a comment of willingness, and if possible please post it on your blog as well.
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